GERD and Others
I only
briefly talked about what GERD was in my Acid reflux blog post and now I’m doing that. I
promised to explain more about it, but I also want to include some other
conditions that are similar to GERD and Acid reflux.
I hope I
don’t get you too confused because that’s not my intent.
Okay, I
said in the post about Acid reflux that GERD or Gastroesophageal reflux disease happens
when people get the symptoms of reflux every day. There is no one cause of
GERD, but the main one is when stomach acid comes up to the esophagus.
The normal
symptoms of GERD are heartburn, regurgitation and nausea. The more complex
symptoms is developing Barrett’s esophagus, having a cough, an inflammation in
the throat and lungs and fluid inside your ear.
Barrett’s esophagus only happens if GERD becomes
chronic. The lining of the esophagus starts developing a new tissue that is
similar to the lining in the intestines. There is still no knowledge of why
this happens and there is varies treatments to this condition.
symptoms are about the same like GERD: heartburn, having a hard time swallowing
food and pain in the chest.
disorder that is connected to GERD is Esophagitis, an infection or irritation in the
esophagus. Some of the causes of the infection could be bacteria, viruses or
fungi in the body. Also, a weak immune system doesn’t stop infections.
The three types of Esophagitis is:
- · Reflux Esophagitis: where GERD comes from.
- · Drug-induced Esophagitis: when taking medicine without water.
- · Infectious Esophagitis: the rarest one and is caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi.
Laryngopharyngeal reflux or LPR is known as the
“silent reflux” for a reason. LPR is much like Gastroesophageal reflux disease
in symptoms, but is hard to detect because you won’t get the normal symptoms
that GERD has.
condition that affects the esophagus is Hiatal hernia. A hernia happens “any time an
internal body part pushes into an area where it doesn’t belong,” said WebMd.
A hiatus is that opening in the Diaphragm, a disk that is attached to the six
lower ribs with more than one opening where the esophagus, aorta, vena cava and
a lot of nerves pass through. Hiatal hernia happens when there is developing
bulge coming through the Diaphragm.
My next
blog post will consist of what the doctor will give you on your first visit and
the types of medicine out there.
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