What Is Out There

Like I said in my introduction, I’m going to be talk about what is out there when it comes to digestive problems. I want introduce the disorders that I will be talking about.

When I was told I had had Irritable bowel syndrome, there was a moment in my mind that made me freeze. I had no clue what that was and I sort thought that I was dying.

The doctor told me what happens to my body when I experience symptoms of the disease won’t be deadly, but I just have to be careful. He told me I could develop Crohn’s disease because of my genetic makeup.  

I’ll get into that a little later on, but I what I am trying to say is that I was clueless when I was first diagnosed. 

I did a lot of research about all different types of disorders, so I would like share that with you guys!

There are common disorders out there, according to usnews.com. I cover a little in my introduction:

  • ·         Reflux (Also is known Acid reflux): heartburn starts in the chest area whenever eating certain foods or drinking alcohol. There is also a condition called GERD or Gastrointestinal reflux disease, which affects the esophagus and stomach.
  • ·         Peptic ulcers: Basically, a type of bacterium starts eating at the lining of your stomach and could move into your small intestine if not treated. Smoking, alcohol and stress could be benefiting factors to making the condition worse.
  • ·         Gallstones:  These “stones” are made up of cholesterol and bile salts that is collected by the Gallbladder when there is an “inflammation or infection of the gallbladder, pancreas or liver.”
  • ·         Lactose intolerance: Put down that piece of cake!  You don’t have enough enzymes that you need to drink milk and dairy products.
  • ·         Diverticulitis: My dad actually has is. Having this, it is good to avoid eating any kind of nuts, corn, and popcorn because you can damage the walls of the colon. My dad can’t have traditional hamburger buns because of the sesame seeds on top.
  • ·         Inflammatory bowel disease: There are two diseases out there that have one mission: raid the gastrointestinal tract and destroy the immune system. It’s Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative colitis. Here is where I explain the IBS and Crohn’s disease thing.  My doctor says that Irritable bowel syndrome is a step before having Crohn’s disease, which also could be connected to my family’s history. On my mother’s side, most the woman develops some type of digestive problem at a young age.
  • ·         Celia diseases: people who have this can’t eat gluten like rye, barley, wheat and other things.
  • ·         Constipation: This is when you have bowel movements to flush out the intestines.

So now that you know about some digestive disorders out there, I’m going to explain next week about Gastroenterology.  


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